What is interlinguistics?


  1. Interlinguistics is the study of vehicular languages for interethnic communication.
  2. Interlinguistics is the study communication among speakers of different native languages, with special focus on the changes their languages undergo in such contacts.
  3. Interlinguistics is contrastive linguistics.

-- K. Schubert(Interlinguistics, 1989, Mouton de Gruyter)


What is planned language?

"Following Wüster, we understand   planned languages as language systems which have been consciously created according   to definite criteria of an individual or group individuals for the purpose of   making international communication easier... the term traditionally linked mainly   to the problem of interlinguistics, the problems of international language communication".

--D. Blanke (Interlinguistics, 1989, Mouton de Gruyter)

According   to Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik (Society for Interlinguistics - GIL, Detlev Blanke) :


?Interlinguistics is the study of international linguistic communication from all its aspects (including the roles, structures, ways of development and application of ethnic and planned languages as international means of communication). 

Planned languages 

?Planned languages are language systems which have been consciously created according to definite criteria by individuals or groups of individuals for the purpose of making international communication easier. The term is being used increasingly for what is also known as "international artificial language", "auxiliary language", universal language" or the like. 

?The planned language that has been the most successful in practice so far is Esperanto. It is the only one that has developed an independent scientific discipline - Esperanto studies. 

Esperanto studies

?Esperanto studies investigate the sources, structure, evolution and fields of application of Esperanto, the planned language constructed by L. L. Zamenhof in 1887. Thus, Esperanto studies are a subbranch of interlinguistics.

-- Sakaguchi( Interlinguistik , 1998)

-- Liu Haitao(1999, aplikata interlingvistiko)

If you can understand Chinese, I recommend you to read "What's interlinguistics", which be written for newer of interlinguistics.

Click here for more links on interlinguistics & planned languages.

Ulrich Becker verkis belan studon en la germana kun la titolo " Interlinguistik und Internet" , vere legind/enda !

In this site you also can read " Baza Bibliografio de Interlingvistiko ", edited by Liu Haitao.

In GIL site, you can read a good bibliography on interlinguistics by Dr Detlev Blanke.

For Chinese, click here read the bibliography on Interlinguistics and Esperantology in Chinese!

D-ro Detlev   Blanke verkas interesan artikolon pri li kaj Ĉinio uzante Esperanton kiel ligilo:   Multo min ligas per Esperanto al Ĉinio .

Prof. Zhou Liuxi(Licius) estas lingvsitika   profesoro kaj Esperantologo en Ĉinio. Li proponas la projekton solvi la malfacilon,   ke la komputilo prilaboras la ĉapelitajn literojn de Esperanto. Jen la "Nova Alfabeto   de Esperanto" .   Prof. Zhou bonvenas vian opinion.

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